

Under the aegis of our new Federation, the Fédération Nationale des Métiers du Stationnement (FNMS), in close association with the Groupe Moniteur, we invite you to the "7th Rencontres Internationales du Stationnement".

This will be the seventh occasion we will be holding this event and more than ever "time"will be a central theme. In our society, time is constantly divided between leisure "time" and stress "time".

The time car drivers spend getting into or leaving a parking space quite naturally raises the central question: how can parking businesses (car park operators, equipment suppliers, industrial and services companies) contribute to making improvements ?

On a more general level, the time spent is dependent on the urban travel, urban planning and traffic policies put in place by local public authorities. Parking, along with transport, is a key component of these policies.

Under these conditions, is it possible to talk about the development of " pleasurable" parking by improving the welcome, services offered to customers and to their cars, the reduction of access times or even improved air quality ? This will be the transversal theme of our 7th meeting.

The 7th Rencontres Internationales du Stationnement once again promises to be very rewarding and to provide an opportunity to meet people, talk and exchange views.

Please register now for our event, either as a participant, visitor or exhibitor - it will save you time !

Programme du congrès
Liste des exposants
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